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Doing Something Spontaneous is Good for Your Health

I seem to blog more when my husband is away. Must be the extra free time. But guess what I did today?!

I was spontaneous! And had fun on my day off!! It feels so good.

There was no ice today, so I did not have to go into coach and my body thanked me for it. In all fairness, I haven't had a vacation since Christmas, and with Marshall having been gone for nearly three months since the new year, I just need. to. stop. Don't think I don't love  my job. But I am realizing more as I get older that the mind is just as important to rest as the physical body.

I had been noticing that my emotional state had been in need of serious TLC this week, especially when I realized that it was Wednesday and I had not seen any of my friends since Saturday. It is so important for me to see girlfriends on a regular basis, especially when my husband is out of town. So on Wednesday evening, after a super emotional private breakdown in my living room, I drove over unannounced to see another Army wife who's husband is in Korea, and who also has two small children. We just sat and chit-chatted for an hour. That was it. But it lifted my spirits as well as hers, and the rest of the night was just glorious. Who needs a prescription for Prozac when an hour with a girlfriend works so much better?

Then this morning (Thursday), I slept in and woke up with the uplifted spirits of a child on Christmas because I had the entire afternoon planned with my really great girlfriend, Amber. Nothing was planned, but I knew we would not be spending it inside; it was too gorgeous outside.
Two happy girls after float down the Chena
When she came over at 1pm, I bounced the idea of renting a canoe and going on the Chena River. I had done it with Marshall last year, so I didn't think it would be too difficult alone.  Amber was up for the idea, but when I called MWR to see if we could rent one, I was reminded that I needed a boater's safety card. Ugh. Really? Silly Army regulations. So I nixed that idea and went into the room to get changed out of my workout clothes when it dawned on me that I had a friend who owned some boats! Juliet to the rescue! She was so gracious in letting us borrow her blow up raft, and we let in right in her backyard. (She is like the most generous person I know).

Now comes the hilarious part. After blowing up the raft, we got in the boat in the river, without our shoes, and started paddling down. I have kayaked many times before up stream, so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal to paddle in the raft up stream. Hahaha ya right! We could barely keep it going straight down stream. We couldn't stop laughing at ourselves. Luckily I had brought my phone, so we called up Amber's friend who owned a suburban and she "rescued" us at the end of our float. :) It felt amazing to be out on the open water with nothing bothering us. Just two silly girls relaxing on a raft, trying our best to go straight, but mostly just spinning in circles.

During the float, a nice old man came paddling down on his stand up paddle board. I commented to him how hilarious these two girls in a blow up raft must look, barley able to keep going in a straight line. He responded by saying, "No, you're out on the water on a beautiful day. Who cares if you are any good? At least you're outside!" What a great message!!

Get out and do something spontaneous this summer.
Better off, do something spontaneous and fun this week!
Your mental health will thank you for it. 


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