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Increased Spirituality= Better Relationships

It was as though I clammed up over this past holiday season. Yes, the holidays with family were well spent and enjoyable, however, there seemed to be a sense of sadness that I had a difficult time shaking loose. I enjoyed high points every day filled with smiles and laughter, but I was easily shaken to tears and I often sent myself on "time-outs" to have some alone time.
When Marshall and I returned home the first week of January, I knew I had to make a change. I couldn't go on in the way that I had been. Everywhere I went I saw pregnant ladies, reminding me of what I wanted so badly and had lost. No, I couldn't break into tears or run away each time I saw a baby bump because let's face it, I am always going to run into lots of pregnant ladies out there and crying is exhausting and I'll have my chance someday. There are people in my life to love, to cherish, to strengthen. How could I do that for people when I myself wasn't willing to accept where I was in my life?  

So I turned to the source of all wisdom and all love. I knew I couldn't rely on the internet or forums anymore. Ever since I was a teenager I have made a habit out of my daily gospel/scripture reading and my morning and nightly prayers, but things had gotten a little slack lately. Just because I went through the actions daily didn't mean I was really getting anything out of it. It is easy to go through the motions but it's true when they say you get what you put in. This January I dove deeper and began to strengthen my relationship with God. I wanted to do what HE wanted me to do, not what I thought I should do. I wanted to accept anything that came my way and to be joyful despite the hiccups that are inevitable in mortal life.

An amazing discovery has occurred this month as I have really toiled and stretched myself to deepen my spirituality and faith. As I have put Him first in my life, all other areas seem to fall into place.

Please don't think that all my problems have resolved and that my life is all butterflies and roses--because it's not... 

...but I do see His hand guiding my life in a way that I haven't for a while. I've also found that I am loving my husband on a deeper level. I appreciate him more and am able to communicate more clearly with him, which of course results into greater friendship and love. I've found more love to give to my friends, something that I feel has lacked over these past 10 months or so. I am learning to love their chunky babies, their successes, their highs, and also how to comfort them when life hands them thorns. 

It truly is interesting how when I connect more spiritually with my Heavenly Father, I am able to give more. It's such a simple concept, I know, but it has really played a big role in my life and in getting me back to being truly happy. And for that, I am grateful. 

Immersing myself deeper into my spiritual practice has taken many shapes, some of which I have listed below. 
  1. My morning always begins with prayer and asking God to strengthen me that day. I know I can't handle life's roller-coasters on my own, but with God, I can do all things (Philippians 4:13).
  2. I like keeping a scripture (or sometimes an uplifting quote) written with a white board marker on my bathroom mirror. Seeing these words first thing in the morning and throughout the day keeps me focused on what truly matters. 
  3. While I am preparing breakfast and food for the day, I listen to uplifting and spiritual messages on my phone, given by leaders of my church. These talks cover a vast array of topics but there is always something that I can take away that applies to me at that given moment. It's pretty neat. 
  4. Sometime after breakfast and before I head out for the day, I do my scripture and gospel reading for the day. Often this ties into what I listened to from the talks on my phone, but always I try to find a nugget of truth that I can remember throughout my day because what good is reading if I don't recall what I read that morning?
  5. When I begin my yoga practice, I always set an intention, something I want to focus on during my practice. Instead of just thinking of something generic or repetitive, I make sure to allow God into my practice and say a little prayer before beginning. This habit gives me greater focus and reminds me that a Higher power is truly guiding my life. I always close with a small prayer of gratitude
  6. Another habit that I have had since being 14 was keeping a regular journal. Lately I have made sure to write down points of gratitude and blessings each day. It is always mind blowing how many blessings seem to appear when I take the time to look for them!
  7. Each night I end with prayer, thanking God for all that He has given me and for all that I am learning in life. It is wonderful to go to sleep on a positive note, no matter how hard the day might have been. 
Increasing spiritually is a lifelong practice. There will always be something that I can improve but I am happy with the improvements that I have made so far!  I am ever thankful for the patient love of my husband who always supports me in whatever endeavor I set out on. 

I have now understood this equation a lot better: 
Increased spiritual practice = better & more fulfilling relationships

How do you make it through the pitfalls of life?
Who has strengthened you to be stronger, more resilient? 


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