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"Peace, Be Still"

Happy Easter!! 

As a child, Easter was fun. We would decorate and hide eggs, have Easter parties at school, and receive a small gift from Mom and Dad. Although I am a devout Christian, as I have gotten older the holiday just comes and goes for me without much forethought. Yes, I enjoyed the day to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but there was no real effort on my part. 

Until this year. 2015 changed my view point forever. 

Back in January as I was unpacking boxes after our move to Kansas, I received a phone call from my soon-to-be friend, asking if I could help out with the annual Walk With Christ event our church put on each Easter.  Walk With Christ  takes visitors through the life of Christ in a 30 minute tour, beginning at Bethlehem with his birth, through his life as a child and baptism, his ministry, the Judgement, Gethsemane, Crucifixion, and finally His Resurrection on the third day. Though I was over my head in boxes and packing paper, I replied in the affirmative, though I needed to focus on unpacking first. That was January 22nd. 

Fast forward to March 30th. It was the week of the event and dozens of people were at the church putting up their sets. Walk With Christ is like nothing I have ever seen.  I was assigned to do the section on Christ's childhood and baptism. It was the easiest section to do, and since I had never been to the event in past years, I was grateful! On Monday and Tuesday I put up my set and everything seemed fine. Then on Wednesday, the first day of tours, we did some last-minute changes and feelings of uncertainty and inadequacy started to build up inside of me. Up to this point I hadn't gained a testimony of the event. I didn't understand why thousands of hours get spent, huge sets get put up, and scripts written to perfection were so important for a simple (albeit life changing) holiday event.  But was I wrong. My view on Easter was about to change forever. 

Marshall and I made sure to go through the tour that first night. We began in Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph, listened to the presentation by the two 10-12 year olds about Christ's childhood and baptism, and were then led into the fisherman room.  
All of these pictures were taken before the event, so the lighting and actors were not in place. 
In here we were greeted by an actor who told the story of when Jesus was asleep on the boat with His apostles one night when a storm began and the apostles were afraid they would perish in the storm. Christ was awakened and calmed the sea.  As the music to Master the Tempest is Raging began playing, my whole being was shrouded with emotion and all the worries, fears, uncertainty, and inadequacy I was feeling just moments before disappeared and were replaced by peace.  
"...And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?
And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" (Mark 4:39-41, emphasis added) 
Here is a 2-minute clip depicting this story from the Bible:

I couldn't believe I had forgotten to turn to the Lord and allow Him to ease my burdens when I was feeling down. Yes, we celebrate Easter to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but this week I was able to see beyond that. Easter is a time to celebrate the reality of His life and infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. Easter is a time to remember that without Him, we would not able to begin again when we make mistakes or feel at peace during difficult times.   

I suppose I have gained a testimony of Walk With Christ.  I am so grateful I received that call two months ago to help out with the event. It was incredible to walk through the rooms and get a glimpse of the true meaning of Easter.  
He Lives!
 He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son. (excerpt from The Living Christ)

More pictures:
Christ's childhood and baptism

Jesus raising Jarius's daughter from the dead

Jesus's ministry


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