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Green-to-Gold Scholarship Winner: Joining the Jayhawks Family

We finally have an answer as to where we are moving to.

You think I am joking?

I sure hope not.

Two days ago we received confirmation that Marshall was awarded the Green-to-Gold scholarship. *happy dance* Originally denied the scholarship for the Fall 2014 semester, he was given another chance back in August for the Spring 2015 semester and he submitted all his paperwork again for that opportunity. After what seemed like continual back and forth communication between him and the offices in charge of the scholarship, losing paperwork, having to re-submit forms, having to get more doctor's appointments and signatures, and a few tears on my part, the journey is finally won! I can't say it is over because, well, another one has just begun!

We are so excited to move to Lawrence, Kansas and attend The University of Kansas and become members of the Jayhawk family. It is hard for me to think that I am going to college again, except for this time I will be the wife instead of the student. I will be taking a short break from coaching and working when we first move in order to give myself a break and some metal rest.  This is going to be a real change in lifestyle for us because Marshall will be a full-time student, something he hasn't done in nearly 10 years. We will also be discharged from the Army for four years before he will be commissioned as an officer upon graduation from school and ROTC.

What a rollercoaster this past year has been! I know it has been difficult for everyone who has asked when and where we are going next. Thank you for being so supportive and patient with the Army and with us.

Throughout all of this, my testimony has been strengthened that the Lord really does work in his own way and time.  It is up to me to trust Him and ride the ride.

One of the nice things about Lawrence is that we will only be one hour from the temple and four hours from family. It will be so nice to be able to participate in family gatherings and attend the House of the Lord more often. 


  1. Marshall, I am so proud of you! Jenessa, I am so proud of you! Congratulations!

  2. "You think I'm joking? I sure hope not." haha, oh Army life!

    Yay, yay, YAY!!! Way to go, Marshall! And Jenessa, I know it will be a huge adjustment, but you will do great! Maybe you can get a place where you can plant your own garden or get some chickens! :) You will be such a good support and help for Marshall in his schooling! (Crazy to think it's almost been 10 years for him...whoa.) And I am unbelievably excited for you both to be so close!!! :D We'll finally be able to do double dates together! So awesome! Congratulations. :) And I'm so happy for you to finally know for sure what's going on! So when exactly is "Spring" semester for KU? Will he be starting in January?

    1. I knew you would like that !! Haha. Thank you for understanding. I think that is why we get along so great. You never demean my feelings but you always recognize them as real feelings and give me ways to grow. It will be fun to see you and Gabe more often. Classes start January 20th.

  3. This is the BEST news! We are so excited to have you close by again. We are looking forward to many fun visits and temple tripe together. Marshall and I already set up a temple and dinner date sometime around your birthday. Yaaaaaaay!

  4. Laurence is a great place! Thats where I met Mike ;) SQUEE!!!!! I can't wait to see you guys!!

    1. Yay! It is funny how many people have connections to Lawrence. See you in January!


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