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A Day in the Life of an Army Wife, Skating Coach, Athlete, and Real-Food Enthusiast.

Wow, I sure do wear a lot of hats, don't I? And those don't even cover all of my titles or responsibilities. It's a good thing I love everything I do, or I would be wasting my time!

As I got off the phone from wishing my Father-in-Law happy birthday the other day, I wondered if people really know what goes on in the day-to-day life of me. I really don't lead a typical Army Wife life, nor does my schedule follow a typical pattern. So what does a "normal" day look like for me? 

Welcome to "A Friday in the Life of Me..."

My body wakes up naturally at 5:30am. 
This was the view from my bedroom window as I checked the weather.
It was promising to be a beautiful day!

One of my favorite morning habits is I listen to an inspirational talk on my phone
while preparing breakfast. I do not have the time to read or study in the morning
so this gives me the spiritual "boost" to get me going in the right frame of mind.
Today's nugget of truth: "As we develop greater faith and trust in the Lord,
we can access His power to bless and deliver us."

Breakfast is served:
-sauteed beet greens & onion
-2 local eggs
-seasoned with maca, celtic sea salt, turmeric, and pepper

6:30am: off to the rink to coach!

A clean sheet of ice. The clock says 6:48am...I was hoping my skaters would show up!
Luckily they did. 

9am: Workout class with my lovely instructor, Julie!
You can't really see it in the picture, but I was super sweaty from our workout!

I love working out with other ladies. We are definitely not a wimpy bunch!

11am: After leaving the gym, I headed over to my doctor's appointment. I feel like I am always at the doctor's. If I am ever exhausted, it is probably because doctors/insurance policies/tests are exhausting.
Let me tell you, there is no personal privacy at all!
12:30pm: FINALLY lunch time!! I know you love my silly face.
-a leftover mixture of lentils, rice, tomato, onion, liver, and cilantro, served on a hefty bed of mixed greens
It was delicious, I promise. 

1pm: My personal scripture study time. Normally I read around 11am, when the sun is shining through the door, but sometimes I have to be flexible :) 
 Although I didn't get any pictures, I spent a couple of hours doing my secretarial work, aka: taking care of family finances/budget, skating lesson plans and schedules, emails, educational courses, and meal planning. Not too exciting but definitely necessary. Then it was shopping time!

4pm: Home from the grocery store. Their organic bananas were on clearance, so I grabbed all of them--I think I ended up with 27 bananas! *don't judge*
Bananas freeze so well, and when they are on sale for $0.69/lb, I have to grab 'em! (though that is probably what they sell for normally down in the lower 48)
The foods I am most excited about from my purchases: organic frozen blueberries, wild smoked salmon, and spinach!
No worries, I won't eat them together. I promise.
5pm: eating real food means there is a lot of food prep!
Today's projects were homemade keifer and yogurt.
Here you see the yogurt culturing for 6 hours at 110 degrees in
my dehydrator, while the keifer takes 24 hours at room temp. 

5:45pm: Marshall calls! I can't imagine how difficult it would be with him half-way around the world because a three hour time difference is already challenging. I like to go on walks when he calls. It gives me time for my sun therapy, as I like to call it!
I walked over to the cute little gazebo that is on the property of the resort next to our apartment complex. 
I am not a selfie expert!

7:00pm: My bike had a flat from not being ridden all winter.
 The bike pump I am used to was left at Marshall's work, so I had to borrow a friend's.
 I thought I knew how to pump up a flat, but apparently it was operator error because I had to take it over to my friend's husband to get help. Here is my bike, all happy and ready to be used in the morning! I am so grateful to nice husbands! Thank you Ryan!

8pm: Here I am eating my dinner while reading an article from my Professional Skaters Magazine. I do my best to stay current with the sport!
When I went over to Sarah's to get my bike pumped up, she offered me a plate of BBQ chicken salad. I had not eaten yet and I was so tired. I enjoyed it with a serving of my homemade cultured veggies and a side of strawberries. It's the little things that remind me how much Heavenly Father cares and is looking out for me.
Thank you Sarah!
8:20pm: I am pretty tired by the time Friday rolls around each week, so a nice hot Epsom salt bath with lavender in the air was in order for me!

8:55pm: I had a really good Friday, but I was ready to rest.
A 30 minute bedtime yoga flow and my personal prayer is the perfect way to end a full week.
I was not embarrassed of being in bed by 9:20 on a Friday night! 

 Now you know what a day might look like for me. 
No, I am not typical. 
I am an Army Wife.
A Skating Coach.
An Athlete.
A Real-Food enthusiast.
And a follower of Jesus Christ. 

Always follow your heart and your dreams!


  1. Jenessa, I love reading your post. It was so sweet of you to call Garry for his birthday. We sure love you! Marshall called to talk to his dad on Sat. Garry wasn't here to got to visit with him for two hours. I loved it. We are looking so forward to having you two here. Love you lot! mom

    1. It made me so happy when he told me he talked to Dad. I love you guys too! See you in two months!

  2. I wish I had your good habits! You got it together girl!

    1. Look at the good habits you do have! and I know you've got them! You are such a lovely and wonderful woman! You're so friendly and kind. I love the way you love and admire your husband. so awesome!!


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