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Reflections on my Memories with Grandma

Virginia Brinton Whipple
March 22, 1928 - February 19, 2013

November 2011: At my wedding that Grandpa performed
Oh Grandma, I will miss you!  But how I am grateful that you didn't have to suffer too long and that you died in your sleep.  I do not know how many times I have thanked my Father in Heaven for giving me the opportunity to have spent a month with you this past Christmas.  I never thought you would leave us in this life before Grandpa, but I know Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for all of us. Just two months ago I was taking walks with you around the block and listened as you told me about each family who lived close to you.  It was a joy to spend that time with you.  As I think back on the memories I have of my life, so many include you and Grandpa.  My parents were always so great to include you two in our family vacations and I think I now know why.  Because now I don't have any regrets on time spent with you.  I won't be able to recount all of our memories together, but I hope what I do write will help you know how much you really meant to me.

Christmas 2012: The last picture with all of my siblings
 and Grandma and Grandpa

WORDS of Wisdom from Grandma:  When I was little I would ask you why you had so many wrinkles.  You would just smile and say, "With each new wrinkle, I become more wise." I loved that attitude because you never complained about your wrinkly face.  You only smiled more.   

You visited my family a few times while we were living in Japan.  What great times those were!  There was one time when we took an evening walk down in our neighborhood of Negishi with the sun setting in the distance. You taught me the words to Little Purple Pansies.  To this day, that song still reminds me of your rich alto voice.  Thank you for a home full of music!

Puerto Rico, July 2003

Bedtime was a favorite time of day when you would visit us because you would always tickle my back and sing me songs. The seat next to you on the pew in church was a valuable one, for the grandchild who sat next to you would always get their back tickled during the meeting.  Your touch was always so gentle. 

Remedies for the Sick: One day during a visit at your home in Mesa I complained of a stomach ache.  You didn't reach for the Pepto-bismal, nor did you tell me to stop complaining.  Instead you told me that in the bottom drawer of the fridge were some York Mint Patties.  "Mint helps ease stomach aches," you told me.  And sure enough, it did! You are one wise woman, Grandma! :)

Cooking with Love: I was always so proud of you for what you created in the kitchen. Your home always smelled wonderful and homey. You always made wonderful cinnamon rolls, and blessed so many lives with pie tins full of them, freshly baked with icing glazed on top.  In December 1997 you and Grandpa came to visit my family in California when I was 7.  One day you made a big batch of cinnamon rolls, and I remember I got my own very own pie tin full of fresh rolls just for myself.  I ate them all that very afternoon!  Looking back on that day, I cannot believe I did such a thing, but all I can remember is how wonderful they were.  They were a source of joy in your life. All of your cooking was. Every time anyone came to your home, you lovingly offered them food. Your Texas Sheet Cake, Danish pastries, Easy Lasagna, Taco Squares, Spelt Bread and of course, Cinnamon Rolls, were favorites with me.   

In May of 2010, I went to live in Mesa for a month while I was completing an internship with Uncle Rob.  I made sure to spend time with you and Grandpa, and I am so grateful that I did.  You and I made spelt bread together one afternoon, and you made sure I got a loaf to take home with me when I returned to Springfield.  Upon returning to Missouri, you called me up one day and told me how I "made such delicious spelt bread," and that you "couldn't seem to get it right" once I left.  I loved spending that time with you in the kitchen. Even though you began to lose your memory a couple of years later,  I know this time you were just making me feel good about the bread we made together.  Thank you so much for those memories!

June 2010. Mesa, AZ

Never too Old for Popscicles: During that summer that I was visiting you, I went to a Relief Society activity one evening. When we got home from the activity, we ate popsicles together at the dining room table.  It was so nice to be alone with you.  I started asking you questions about your courtship with Grandpa, and you talked to me about all of the dates with him and how he proposed.  The stories were wonderful, and it was evident that you loved him so much. I was going through some challenges with boys at that time, and you gave me strength and hope to press forward. And thank you for teaching me to enjoy the simple things in life.  Even if they are just popscicles :)   

After eating fudge popscicles with Grandma
June 2010

Grandma, you were always a tease! Water fights in the kitchen in San Jose while we were washing dishes?  Yep, except that you ALWAYS won!  I never quite understood that :).  There were never any rules in our water fights, except for one: your hair was OFF LIMITS.  Unless it was the day before your hair appointment, for if it was, it was allowed to get wet. Thanks for always having a home of laughter and games. 

One of the greatest gifts you left me, Grandma, was your testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You were a true disciple, one who served others sun up to sun down.  I was young when you served your three Spanish speaking missions, but I remember each one.  You loved the people you served so much.  Thank you for your service and love.  You have touched hundreds of hearts.   

Your Alzheimers took you very fast.  But I am glad you didn't have to suffer for so many years. 
 I can't wait to see you on the other side. 
Thank you for all of your hugs, your kisses, your music, and love. 
 Thank you for raising a wonderful son who became my dad. 
You lived a wonderful life, and I love you!
Wth all my love,


  1. awww that's so sweet :)

    so sorry for your loss :(

  2. She sounds like a wonderful lady, thinking of you and your family during this time of transition. I know families are eternal and all, but missing people still hurts.


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