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Promotion Day!

I like this man! Like a lot.

Today I was able to pin my husband as he was promoted to Specialist from Private First Class!  I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but I am going to count every blessing that comes our way and notice my husband's every accomplishment.  Typically the Army automatically promotes a soldier to Specialist after he has been in the service for two years.  Marshall has been in for 18 months, which means that he had to get a waiver to get the early promotion.  It means a lot to me that he is so diligent in his job and works hard for our small family. He is always trying to improve himself and learn and grow.  It was an honor to pin him this afternoon, and I am looking forward to every other promotion in the future!

And of course, we had to go home and celebrate with homemade vanilla ice cream and chocolate hazelnut cookies. 


  1. I love this! Also I really like your jeans. Dang you are looking goood!

    1. Hehe thanks girl!I really like those jeans too! KJ found them for me back in March when I was home for spring break. And they were only $13. Yep, my kind of shopping!

  2. I would love to email you, but I don't have your email...


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