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Dear Adelai |8 Months| : Discover

Dear Adelai,

October flew by like a whirlwind. You went on your first airplane, visited the Nation's capitol, learned how to crawl like a master, and how to stand up against anything and everything you can grab onto. I've learned that our home isn't as baby proof as I would like, especially when I heard the "click" of the power strip to the deep freeze and realized you had turned it off. I'm glad I noticed it right away!

Grandma Adams's house
Oct 15

I've been thinking a lot about how curious you are. When I open the fridge, you immediately begin crawling towards it and want to discover its contents. When I place a piece of avocado or roasted pumpkin or salad turnip on your tray, you waste no time in grabbing it and placing it in your mouth. Nom nom nom.  You just want to learn and discover everything! I only pray I won't inhibit your learning by my being too cautious or concerned over insignificant matters.  I am not the mother I imagined I would be ten years ago. I let you make messes, knowing it will be easier for me to quickly replace the clothes from the laundry hamper so that you could explore a new "cave," than to pull in some toys that you are already bored with while I get ready for the day.  It's easier for me to wipe up the table of the food you played with during dinner after you had your fill because I wanted to finish my meal with Dad, than to listen to you scream because you were done and ready for your bath. Of course, there are exceptions and you don't always get your way, but for the most part, I am trying to allow you to explore.

Botanical Gardens, Washington, DC
Oct 9

Five days ago was your first Halloween. I had a desire to create your first costume and so decided to make gnome costumes for the three of us. There was a point in the process where I wasn't sure about how to create one of the pieces for the costume, but I searched online and found the exact tutorial I needed. The costumes turned out so well, and it was because I wasn't afraid to seek out answers and follow through. This has been the case countless times in my life, most recently when I am cooking in the kitchen or when I wanted to learn how to babywear. There are always answers and solutions to your questions waiting to be discovered!

Just ask.




That's the way life needs to be. Don't ever be afraid to ask questions and seek out answers. One of the main things I learned in college was how to ask questions and critically think about the information given. Take your curiosity to new heights, darling angel. Find ways to deepen your understanding about the world around you, about other people, and about the love Jesus Christ has for you.  I've seen the potential already in your eyes. You love life. So go on! Discover. And never let others tell you your question was stupid. 

Love always,


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