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Birthday Love

 I grew up loving my birthdays; it was a day that I could pick what my mom made for dinner and I got excused from doing dinner dishes. What kid wouldn't like that? Anyways, this year I looked forward to celebrating my 25th birthday with mixed emotions.  Sure I was still really excited about the day, but I had also just moved to a new city and was about to move into our new home, and I was just really tired from it all. I was also having irrational feelings of inadequacy because "all of my friends who are 25 either have kids or a graduate degree," which is not true at all.  Immediately I felt guilty for thinking such a thought, for we all know that comparing ourselves to others zaps the joy from our day. Coincidentally, while I was reading in the library, I came across some truth-filled words that set my mind at ease and reminded me what really matters.
"Life is not all about work and money. Success is not something that is achieved only in the workplace. Life is about living. If you're not out there living it, you're losing out."  -Ed Smart
Even though I was in a new city for my birthday, I was not left without birthday blessings. I'll explain with pictures:

It was a GORGEOUS day. I forgot it was January. I picked up Marshall from school and we had a lovely lunch date at Merchants, a restaurant downtown that specializes in using local ingredients to make delicious and tasty culinary creations. We loved it. I ordered goat cheese stuffed dates with shallot and bacon marmalade for an appetizer, which is now in the top five of my best-foods-I-have-ever-eaten-in-my-life list. For the main course I had roasted Brussels sprouts with walnuts and a truffle potato leek cream soup. Marshall kept it classy and ate a fancy burger. 

I would't be true to myself if I didn't thank Mary Hopkins for making this lunch possible for us. Thank you!!

After he was done with school, we headed over to our apartments and signed our paperwork to get our keys! We are so happy to be in our own place after 5 weeks of living out of suitcases in someone else's space (though we are eternally grateful for those who gave us a place to stay temporarily).

I wasn't expecting any gifts, but once again, I was blessed.  First of all, my in-laws surprised me with some money which I will be putting towards decorating my home. Secondly, my dear sister sent me a tea pot that has been on my wish list. It looks so good in my kitchen and I am so excited to use it.

When we went to our new apartment, I was shocked to find a package sitting at the door from Amazon! I couldn't think of a better welcoming than that. Marshall had bought me a new cookie sheet, something that I will just have to put to use in our new place. And then, when I thought no one in town was really aware of my day, I received a text and later a delivery from Kristie, the wife of our Bishop.  She hasn't even known me for two weeks and yet she brings me a pumpkin cream cheese roll with candles on top. How she knew I loved this treat was beyond me. Thank you to all of you who went out of your way to text, call, or otherwise make me feel extremely loved!

I would have been content with all of joyful experiences of the day, but I was reminded again at the goodness of those around me. My dear friend from my college days, who I hadn't seen in over three years, was in town and invited me to her friend's home for cake! The people in Kansas are seriously amazing. And I thought Missourians were nice. It was great to catch up with an old friend of mine. Boy did I feel spoiled!

It's a KU ice cream cake! Seriously everything in Lawrence is pro-KU, it's hilarious.
Rock Chalk, Jawhawk!

I guess I set my intention for my 25th year right then and there in the library. I want to savor each moment of this next year. Take opportunities to laugh, hug, or cry. Make someone else's day better.  Count my blessings always. But most of all, to be nice to myself.


  1. that last pic is super cute! They ALL are, but I love how candid that one is :)


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