I remember the first time I saw a Bod Pod while touring a potential college during my senior year of high school. I thought it was so cool that this school had a machine for the Athletic Training students to use to measure and learn about body composition. While I would have loved to have gone to this particular school and learn about and use the Bod Pod, the university I ended up attending and graduating from did not have such luxuries. I never thought I would have my curiosity appeased and actually get to use one until last month when I heard that the Army Wellness Center on post had one. Naturally, I made an appointment to be tested so that I could have a baseline of what my body fat % is as well as my resting metabolic rate, though I know numbers are not everything. (If you are interested in this kind of testing and you are in the military, I would highly suggest checking out your wellness center to make an appointment because it is FREE.) It's an egg-spa...