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101 Ways to Relax or Improve your Mood

101 ways to relax.  Ahhh, just those words make me feel relaxed already!  I could have titled this post, "100 Ways to Relieve Stress," but that just doesn't sound as positive to me.  Positive thought is the first step to feeling relaxed and happy! If you have any ideas that I have missed, please feel free to share! (These ideas are in no particular order).
1. Go on a walk. Even five minutes in fresh air can do the trick!
2. Eat spicy foods (hot foods release endorphins in the body)
3. Smile
4. Call your sister
5. Bake something really yummy!
6. Deliever some of the treats you made to somebody
7. Look through a picture album
8. Write in your journal about something fun that happened in the recent past
9.  Write in your journal about one thing you're thankful for
10.  Try a new recipe
11. Buy a chocolate bar and leave it in your husband's car to surprise him
12. Listen to Latin Pop
13. Dance around your living room to your favorite song
14. Go on a run/jog (after a 30 minute run, Norepinephrine levels are raised by 600%!)
15. Open the window to let in fresh air
16. Play with kids
17.  Take a hot shower while listening to music
18. Light candles and take a bubble bath with bath salts
19. Walk through the candle aisle in Target and smell all of your favorite scents
20.  Grab your best friend and a camera and camera stand and take tons of pictures
21. Clean (I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes this is the perfect answer!)
22. Scrapbook
23. Cuddle with somebody special :-)
24. Go through the drive through at McDonalds and get their ice cream cone for less than a dollar
25. Do a set of push ups and crunches
26. Style your hair in a new way
27. Wash your face and put on fresh make up
28.  Go window shopping
29. Watch a favorite movie
30. Go to Barnes and Noble and sit around the fire place in their big, comfy couches
31. Call your Grandma
33. Write a letter to an old friend
34. Take a nap
35. Search Pinterest for new ideas to decorate your house or a new recipe
36. Take a hike
37. Set a new goal and make a plan to accomplish it!
38. Read the comics ("A good laugh frees one from pain more than medicine might.")
39. Talk rapidly (this has been scientifically suggested to improve one's mood)
40. Go to the mall's food court and get free samples (Yes, Hannah, I'm thinking about us!)
41. Go to a Yoga class (Thanks Amanda for your awesome classes!)
42. Sit out in the sun for extra vitamin D
43. Read a biography of your idol. I love reading biographies of Olympic athletes
44. Hold a sleeping or happy baby.  Seriously, their faces have a way to make anyone smile!
45. Have your best friend (or spouse) give your a back massage
46. Have a girl's night out. (or a guys night out, if you're a guy!)
47.  Text someone you haven't talked to in a long time
48.  Serve someone
49.  Go to the Farmer's market and enjoy people watching
50. Sing Disney songs
51. Go on a bike ride
52. Talk to your roommate (This is especially effective if it's late at night on one of your beds, with a bowl of ice cream inbetween the two of you!)
53. Read your favorite book
54. Watch "Mormon Messages" on YouTube
55. Watch Brian Regan on YouTube (or your favorite comedian)
56. Drink a tall, cold glass of water
57. Watch ice skating clips on YouTube
58. Play with your pet
59. Search for motivational quotes
60. Have your husband talk to you is Spanish
61. Go to a shooting range
62. Make paper sail boats and watch them go down the rain gutter
63. Play Pooh-sticks
64. Dance in the rain
65. Make funny faces at small children
66. Start a new project
67. Try on all of your jewelry
68. Call your mom
69. Write a letter to a missionary
70. Go to grandma's house and talk with her
71. Make gingerbread houses
72. Bake cookies just so the house smells good
73. Call your dad
74. Read poetry
75. Drink herb tea
76. Enjoy a candle lit dinner with your special someone
77. Turn a fan on and watch your hair in the mirror as you flip it back and forth
78. Go swimming
79. Admire photos of your special someone
80. Give yourself a pedicure/manicure
81. Frame a picture
82. Work on your family history
83. Read the Scriptures
84. Read the Ensign
85. Record stories from your childhood
86. Look at pictures of the LDS temples
87. Give a gift to someone
88. Get a foot massage
89. Watch the clouds and look for pictures
90. Climb a tree
91. Fly a kite
92. Go to the beach
93. Light a floating lantern
94. Walk through a craft store and plan a new project
95. Drink hot cocoa by the fire.
96. Take a drive a look at Christmas lights (if it's december)
97. Take a drive through the mountains
98. Play catch
99. Rake leaves and then jump into it!
100. Watch the Peanuts Classics, and realize Charlie Brown is infinitely worse off than you are :-)
101. Read this list!!


  1. You are so great! And I LOVE the cartoon hahaha

  2. OK, the Charlie Brown one made me laugh...A LOT. Love the list! You forgot, listen to primary songs or instrumental music. Music that is mostly piano is my favorite.

    1. You're so right! I can't believe I forgot that!! :-) it's a good thing this list isn't the end-all, be-all!


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