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Showing posts from May, 2013

2 Year Army Anniversary

Only 18 more years to go!  Wait a minute, now that doesn't sound very optimistic!  Let's try again. :-) ...Marshall & I have reached our 2 year anniversary of being in the Army! There may be a lot of years left, but I think today is a great day to celebrate the growth and accomplishment that has taken place over the past two years, instead of looking at all the time that is left.   I know he is the one who goes to work every day, but I am here supporting him at home on a daily basis too, so that is why I gave myself some credit as well.  Our one weekend of summer weather above 50 degrees last weekend. I only wished it would stay! I know many wives out there are probably laughing because it is only two years.  But I love any reason to celebrate and recognize a hard working and determined man!  Over the past two years, Marshall has done so many things, including: -Getting Level 3 Combatives Certified -Promoted to Specialist in ...

Being a Woman

"I believe when we determine within our hearts that by and with the blessings of God our Heavenly Father we will accomplish a certain labor, God gives the ability to accomplish that labor; but when we lay down, when we become discouraged, when we look at the top of the mountain and say it is impossible to climb to the summit, while we never make an effort it will never be accomplished."  -Heber J. Grant   Sometimes being a girl is tough.  I never, ever want to change who I am, and I have always been so grateful that I was born a girl.  But I keep telling myself how much stronger I am getting from all the craziness I go through sometimes. Those silly things called hormones can just be a big pain.  My body isn't perfect (if you ever meet a woman who is, let me know because I want to meet her...), and sometimes my hormones crazy.  When this happens, the smallest things can get blown out of proportion and it can be a lot harde...

First Ever Baby Shower Cake...A Success?

Tuesday I made my first ever baby shower cake, and I think it was a success!  It was by no means perfect, and I got some tips from other cake masters, but for a first time attempt, I was pleased.  Don't think this was my first time making a cake, for I do my fair share of baking.  This was my first time doing a cake that used some fondant on top as a decoration.  The cake made it safely to the party! This May seems to be full of baby showers--I know of four in the first two weeks of May!  I really wanted to do something special for the mom-to-be, as this will be her first baby born. So I consulted my trusted America's Test Kitchen cookbook and made their classic chocolate sheet cake with buttercream frosting, all from scratch of course.  I also made a marshmallow fondant, and I used that for decorations.  My week days are busy, so I divided the work up: Saturday: Make and color fondant Sunday: Make cake Monday: Make and color frostin...