You ever hear that saying, "If life gets too hard to stand, kneel" ?? Well, life had gotten hard for me. Everything around me was great--I had my bills paid for and a comfortable life and a family to love--but it was the stuff inside my head and heart that were hurting. Nothing I did seemed to help for more than a few hours. I am at a crossroads in my life right now where I am trying to choose between many good options for where to steer my life. I seemed to be at a roadblock and didn't know what to do. Finally, after weeks of searching and praying and talking to trusted friends, a light emerged in my life. However, it was only after I decided to go to a place where I knew I would not be distracted from the demands of life, where I would truly be able to look within myself and seek an answer, that I was able to find what I was searching for. This place for me was the Kansas City Temple.
It is inside the temple, a place I believe to be the House of the Lord, that I felt truly safe. I was with my greatest confidant, which made the experience so much sweeter since we were both praying and seeking the answer to what I should do in this next chapter of my life. Some things are important to do alone, but I believe there to be power in numbers.
I didn't receive an overwhelming answer to my prayers, but the peace that filled my soul was unmistakable and real. When I asked Marshall what he felt, he gave me the same answer that I had received. It was amazing to notice that both of us had received the same answer.
If you're struggling with something or trying to seek an answer, go to your safe place. It could be up in the mountains or at the beach, and I have found solace at these places too. Your answer may not come quickly (mine took nearly 3 months), but it will come. It often doesn't come until you are willing to do whatever it takes.
Be true to the faith that you do have.
Trust what you already know.
It was meant to be that life would be a challenge...if you have a good miserable day once in a while, or several in a row, stand steady and face them. Things will straighten out. There is great purpose in our struggle in life.
-Boyd K. Packer
Your future is bright!!
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